About us

Our story
Balance Board Pro, made in Italy ® came to life during the first lockdown in Italy in March 2020.
We produce balance boards. A handmade finish with resin and fiberglass and with removable stoppers.
I am Christian Grassi, 51 years old, a digital creator with experience in startups and entrepreneurship. Founder and former CEO, I first launched Mobnotes, a GEO location-based service in 2008 (before Foursquare was born), Mobnotes was a TechCrunch50 finalist and the only Italian firm selected. Raised 600K.
The idea of a balance board was created by accident like many great ideas are. While on one snowboarding camp in Cervinia (Italy) we could not ski due to the weather conditions, so we start playing on tramps, downhill mountain biking, and other activity to keep us busy.
When i first see this piece of wood, a very rude balance board, and people who play trying to keep the board off the ground, i could not stop playing.
Once back home, I start prototyping mine, during the emergency in march 2020.
I’ve always been addicted to the sport, love snowboarding, and trampoline, and most recently, I am a diver. I practice yoga and have a natural attraction to all extreme sports.
I have been snowboarding since i was young which turns out to be 30 years from alpine snowboarding to directional boards and now enjoy twin boards for freestyle and park riding.
My goal is to help you improve your balance, your's is to keep the board off the ground. 🤘